DEFFA Contradance!

Down East Friends of the Folk Arts News

DEFFA and Down East Country Dance Festival have merged

The Down East Friends of the Folk Arts(DEFFA) has a goal of promoting music, dance, and the folk arts by producing a monthly newsletter. The Down East Country Dance Festival(DECDF) has a goal of promoting music, dance, and the folk arts by holding the annual Dance Festival. Since the goals were nearly identical it made sense to combine the resources of the two organizations, and this finally happened on March 27, 2009, the opening date of the 19th annual Down East Festival. "For years we've been telling people that it's not the DEFFA festival," quipped Lynn Plumb, the festival board president. "Finally we can stop correcting that misconception, because we are now part of DEFFA."

While the new organization will take the DEFFA moniker, in structure and purpose it will more closely resemble the Down East Country Dance Festival Organization, an officially sanctioned 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that can apply for cultural and educational grants and similar opportunities to help it pursue its goals.

The new organization will now be made up of a membership who will elect its board and direct its activities. The newsletter, which has been in continuous publication since around 1980, will continue, and a subscription will be just one of the benefits of membership. Other benefits include discounts to DEFFA events and the opportunity to play a role in a small but vibrant community.

Membership applications will be accepted at this year's festival. The annual membership cost will be $20, with an immediate $5 discount applied to the festival admission for each membership. The annual meeting in May will be the first one held by the new membership organization, and the direction of the new DEFFA will be decided then.

Belfast Contra Dance First Firday of the month Childsplay in Concert Skye Theater Scottish Country Dancing Rockland Contradance Second Sunday of the month Falmouth Contra Dance First Saturday of the month Bowdoinham Contra Dance Third Saturday of the month Blue Hill Contradance First Saturday of the month Pam Weeks Rockport Contra Dance Fourth Saturday of the month; Easy Square Dancing